domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

 September 22th 2016

 Teachers name:                                 

            Adriana Turcios                 

            Xiomara Gonzalez                                                                            

Skill: Reading 

Topic: Animals

Adrina started the class giving instruction to the student, they were been getting happy face all the time they participated and the students who got more happy face will win a prize. After, Xiorama gave students a puzzle they had to order in pairs, the pair who finished first got happy face to verify Xiomara was asking what animals is that? While they were answering depending on their puzzle.

To present the vocabulary Mariana used flashcards once they understood students practiced the pronunciation; in addition students were matching the words with the flashcards. Xiomara gave students a text they had to read it to complete the practice however some students did not know what is the meaning of read that why they could not complete but Adriana and xiomara were checking and explaining the instruction. When students finished three students read the text aloud. In addition, Adriana gave them another page to complete and exercise about the text.

Next activity students were sitting on the floor, Xiomara select students to they had to write the letter missing o a poster to complete a word. Also, Adriana was splitting a bottle, this was using to select the students to participate, they took a question from a box and answered the questions.

September 20th 2016 

Teachers name:                     

Mariana Fagoaga     

Maria Jose Aguirre                                                                           

Skill: Listening Topic: Animals

Listening class started with dynamic which all students had to touch the flashcards with animals on the board that Mariana was saying, the activity was really interacted however some students can not participate because students did not have space it would be better if the activities was ordering in another way. When students finished Marina explained new vocabulary (friend, wanted, sad, saw, walking and running) using flashcards, also she used clear and simple examples. This kind of explanation helped students to understand better.

Once students might able to identify the vocabulary Mariana asked to students to make a line in order that everyone can participate when Mariana told them one vocabulary. Additionally, Maria Jose prepared students giving them instruction for the listening part, students have to color the animals and circle the animal they were listening base on the story. When Maria Jose confirmed students have finished the worksheet she request students stranded up to make to line, and with fly swatter students were touching the vocabulary marina was saying. In the last activity students had to make a circle and

played the game hot potato but with hat nevertheless there was not time to do it.

sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2016

September 13th

Teachers name:                      
            Juan Jose Menjivar      
            Andrea Leiva                                                                            
Skill: Vocabulary

Topic: Unit 2 Animals

The class was starting with an explanation of some rules which Juan explain to the students in order that they might use during the class after, he gave students instruction for an evaluation students had five minutes to do it for that reason both teacher was checking if they understood the instruction and explaining doubt.

Once students finished Juan made an activity called ‘’yellow and black’’ the right side of the classroom was black and the left side was yellow, they had to move to the side teacher Juan said when they made a mistake student had to sat down until the last three student were playing teachers gave them a sticker. Students understood the game and enjoying the activity.

Teacher Juan explain the new vocabulary (Lion, gorilla, giraffe, beard, etc.) using disposable plates represent the different animals, students paid attention and enjoying the way teacher Juan explain the vocabulary. In the practice part students received a page from teacher Andrea they had to match the animals name with the animals pictures because they understood clearly students did faster the activity.  So, teacher Andrea continued with the next activity, students made a circle and with disposables plates represented an animal students had to answer what animals they had it.

Finally, Teacher Andrea played ‘’hot potato’’, students was telling the name of the animal that she was showing she used the disposables plates. 

September 8th

Teachers name:                      
            Nelson Saravia      
            Cristian Aleman                                                                            

Skill: Reading

Topic: The family members

Listening class started by Cristian, he requested students to make a circle and explained the pronunciation of a chant in order that everyone might sing it and did what the chant named “if you are happy” said. Students were able to song and followed the action of the chant. Nelson continued explaining vocabulary using flashcards (nice, smart, engineer, build and Bridges) and example related with the words. In addition, Nelson pasted the flashcard on the board and encouraged students to match the word with the flashcard to verify if they understood the vocabulary.
Afterward, Cristian gave students a short text; they had to read it and answered the question belong both teachers were checking and monitoring the progress of the activity once students finished Nelson read the text aloud to verify the students answers.

In the last activity students played the ‘‘hot potato game’’ students passed the potato until Cristian said stop, the students who had it, passing to the front and point out the vocabulary that teachers told them this activity was great because students really wanted to participate. 

September 6th

Teachers name:                      
            Carlos Jovel       
            Guillermo Guerra                                                                            
Skill: Listening

Topic: The family members

This week Carlos and Guillermo taught the listening class the skill that I think is one of the most challenging skill however they could overcome excellent. Guillermo started giving students identification card and Carlos taught some sentences that they were using during the class such as “raised your hands and May I go to the bathroom”. In the first activity students made two groups and they had to shoot an arrow to the pictures pasted on the board depending what word Carlos said (father, mother, etc.) this activity helped to verify if students remembered the previous vocabulary in order to continued used during the lesson.

Guillermo explain the questions and answer who is/are he/she/they? He/she/the is/are my… using picture however students were energetic and they were not paying attention. Afterward, students played memory game while Guillermo was preparing the material Carlos explained a little be more the sentences and the answers using example with Gaby and Paolo in order that students be clear for the used and structure.

 When everything was ready students playing the game matching the images in the board the father picture with the other father picture and so on. The listening part was presented by Carlos but he had some trouble with the audio nevertheless he used his voice which confused students because they were expected the audio, but they understood. He gave students a page with some instruction, students had to circle the members of the family Carlos was mentioning, finally students drew their family member and presented to each others.

September 1st

Teachers name:                      
            Gabriela Callejas       
            Paolo Masariego                                                                             

Skill: Grammar

Topic: Possessive Adjectives

This was the second class for practicing teaching children however the class was special for the reason that students did not come in for especial reason nevertheless Gabriel and Paolo did the best they could do it.

Gabriela started the class gave students identifications once all students had it Paolo continued explaining instructions to sing a chant related with family members  vocabulary, he support the chant using a poster with the lyrics in order that everyone saw it and follow the activity. To present the grammar structure Paolo created sentences and explained the correct used of “Possessive adjectives” also he encouraged students to participate and passed to the front to complete sentences that he had already posted on the board.

To practice the new grammar structure Paolo provided students with a worksheet where students had to fill in the blank spaces with the correct structure base on the context. Once students finished Gabriela divided students base on the color pages she have already gave then, also she gave students pictures with different families vocabulary, students had to ask and answered like this “who is she/he? She is her sister” Gabriela was checking students to verify the correct used of the structure. In the last activity Gabriel asked some students to present a mini conversation using the same picture to the previous activity and students had to show what they learned.