sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2016

September 6th

Teachers name:                      
            Carlos Jovel       
            Guillermo Guerra                                                                            
Skill: Listening

Topic: The family members

This week Carlos and Guillermo taught the listening class the skill that I think is one of the most challenging skill however they could overcome excellent. Guillermo started giving students identification card and Carlos taught some sentences that they were using during the class such as “raised your hands and May I go to the bathroom”. In the first activity students made two groups and they had to shoot an arrow to the pictures pasted on the board depending what word Carlos said (father, mother, etc.) this activity helped to verify if students remembered the previous vocabulary in order to continued used during the lesson.

Guillermo explain the questions and answer who is/are he/she/they? He/she/the is/are my… using picture however students were energetic and they were not paying attention. Afterward, students played memory game while Guillermo was preparing the material Carlos explained a little be more the sentences and the answers using example with Gaby and Paolo in order that students be clear for the used and structure.

 When everything was ready students playing the game matching the images in the board the father picture with the other father picture and so on. The listening part was presented by Carlos but he had some trouble with the audio nevertheless he used his voice which confused students because they were expected the audio, but they understood. He gave students a page with some instruction, students had to circle the members of the family Carlos was mentioning, finally students drew their family member and presented to each others.

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