miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016

August 29th 

Teachers name:                       
             Nicole Hernandez                    

            Yancy Hernandez  

Skill: VocabularyTopic: family members

The first practice with children was started by Yancy Hernandez and Nicole Hernandez, in order to students know to each other they made a activity which students made a circle and said their name when they had a teddy in their hands, also they wrote down in a piece of paper. The activity was really good to know students but it could be better if they gave them clear instruction in the way students felt comfortable with the activity.

Nicole presented the vocabulary using pictures and her hands to explain them the family members. Students practiced the vocabulary matching flashcards (images of family member with the flashcard with the spelling of the family member) then, Nicole review the vocabulary with a song and using the images.Finally, teachers gave a paper and images and students had to create a family tree, they explained how to do it and pasted in the correct way. 

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2016

August 25th

Teachers name:                           

                   Yansi Hernandez                            

                   Cristian Aleman                            

                  Andrea Leiva                            

                  Nelson Saravia                                                                    

Skill: Reading

Topic: Welcome to Bermudas

Reading class was opened by Cristian, he divided students in two groups and gave instruction about how played “broken phone”, we have to pass messages one by one in the team and the last person had to write down on the board as well, if the messages was correct team got a point he made this activity to break the ice the instruction was clearly that made the dynamic worked. Nelson gave students pieces with a word we had to match the word with the picture in the board then, he explained the vocabulary using definition and some example. 

To continue the class Andrea gave a page with a reading task we had to read the faster we can to answer questions making by Andrea she also correct mistakes and explain a little more about the reading. Next activity was performance by Yancy, she made couples and gave us the instruction to make a role place this activity could be more specific in the instruction objective. Finally, Christian gave pieces of paper which had a vocabulary for the class people who had it they most explain the meaning of the words Christian was checking and cleared mistakes.

August 25th

Teachers name:                            

         Gabriela Callejas                           

         Gabriela Rodriguez                          

         Carlos Jovel                            

         Guillermo Guerra                                                                 

 Skill: Listening

Topic: Resolving Cases

Listening class starte by dynamic Gabriela callejas gave us an instruction we have to pass one botter of water the way she wanted without touching by the hands students could not pass it correctly had questions based on one of the last lesson, Carlos encouraged ud to remember vocabulary from one of the lesson taught before (security guard, detective, thief etc.)    He used gestured to remember the word and also made students participated.
Next part of the lesson was managed by Guillermo he made a groups and gave us pieces of paper to order it in the way we thought was correct, after that he recorded an audio twice to verify if the order was correct and also modified it was necessary. Gabriela Rodriguez continued the class with a task where we had to choose if the sentences were correct or incorrect related with the audio we heard two times more to answers question.

Finally, Gabriela Callejas made a game called see and ground person who made a mistake had to pronounce one of the vocabulary we learned during the class, I guess this activity could be more useful if she was asking about meaning of words or even question about the record. 

August 23th

Teachers name:                           

                            Juan Jose menjivar

                            Mariana Faguaga                            

                            Nicoles Hernandez                           

                            Roxana Diaz                                                                   

Skill: Reading

Topic: Direct Speech

Class was started by dynamic, students was divide in two groups, Marian was writing word on the board in order that one member had guessed the word base on mimic his/her team was making, when team guessed one got a point until team guessed all the words we knew which team was the winner. 

To present the topic Nicole used pictures and gave students examples using those images to give ideas to use it in real life. I made pair and gave a them a pieces of papers students had to ask his/her partner what is his/her favorite hobbies, and what they would like to do in the future in order that they could write 6 sentences using the direct speech after they finish they shared with their classmate their sentences and one partner shared with all students. Juan Jose gave students a paper with example using the direct speech in order they had the opportunity to make a conversation base on their information at the end of the activity students presented their conversation with the classmates. Finally, Mariana played the hot potato, when she said stop students who has the ball had to take a pices of paper from a box and transformed the sentences using the direct speech.

August 23th

Teachers name:

                                Adriana Turcios       

               María José López

               Xiomara Torres                              

               Paolo Mazariego                                                                    

Skill: Speaking

Topic: Modern detectives

A new week was started with a speaking lesson. First, Adriana open the class making a dynamic called Sherlock Holmes. We as students made pairs groups she was asking question like how many boys are in the classroom? Who knows the answer and wrote down on the board was the winner that pair could take a sit, until all students have participated. Second, Xiomara was showing images with word as thief, evidence etc.  When we knew the words we move to the left side if it was not the case we move to the right side at the end Xiomara explain to us the vocabulary and the meaning.

Third, Maria Jose gave us page we had to identify the vocabulary base on the images on the page after that we have to complete a paragraph using the same vocabulary of the first task at the end of this activity we compare the answers we our classmate. To practice the vocabulary we made pair one was the detective and the other one was the witness we create a conversation using the vocabulary to preset inform of our classmate. Finally, we played the game called hot potato when Adriana said 10 students who had the potato had to explain the meaning of vocabulary which was took from a box. 

August 18th
Teacher: Giovanni art teacher.

 Second part of the workshop was really helpful, it was based was based on the correct pronunciation of words, react faster and be prepared for the unexpected things. this session we had to be prepared with a tongue twister and a short fairy tale, the main purposed of this homework was showed how we articulate word, everyone had to say the tongue twister many time until we said correct with complete pronunciation of words, in addition we had to show how much we improve our nervous in front of other. Otherwise, the short fairy we faced with situation that we could forget some part of the fairy but we had to sound confidents and looked as we really knew about it. These activities taught me that even if i will have much information to teach in one lesson I have to be careful to be understandable. Also, I have to show confidents with the information and topic even if I have to modify all the class because of the environment or the missing materials. I am really grateful to have received this workshop because it showed that every day I will learn something which make me improve as teacher.

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2016

August 16th

Teachers name: 

                  Juan Jose menjivar
                 Mariana Faguaga
                 Nicoles Hernandez
                 Roxana Diaz                                          

Skill: Reading
Topic: Chocolate

This day was special because it was the first opportunity to teach for my team and I, Reading was the skill and the topic was chocolate. The class started by me, I divided the class in two team they chose one representative to draw in the board a drawing base on the vocabulary which they took from a bag. When the other member on the team guessed the word another representative from their team took the place, the team who guessed all of them vocabulary from the bag first was the winner. Even if students understood I would have liked to give students instruction better for the reason that some students was confusing at the beginning, in addition, I would have like to monitor more the students. 

Then, Mariana continued with the pre-reading she pasted on the board vocabulary and gave students pictures in order that they might the opportunity to match the word with the pictures they had, she explain the vocabulary meaning and the pronunciation. Juan Jose continued with the during-reading students had the reading and Juan Jose gave some second to read it in order that they might know the reading topic, after that, students had some second more to identify the process for the chocolate to finish the activities students had to order some pictures base on the process to make chocolate in order to know if they really understood the reading task.

 In the post reading Nicole made a basketball game the main point of the game if student had the opportunity to answers questions base on the lesson when they did not throw the ball inside the ball inside of hoop. at the end I gave them three different papers green, yellow, and red, students wrote what they learned what they already know or something they didn’t understand ir order to clarify any question they had and confirm if we achieve our objective.

August 16th

Teachers name:

                Maria Jose Lopez                

                Xiomara Torres                

                Paolo mazariego                

               Adriana Vargaz

Skill: Listening 

Topic: Recomendation

Listening class was started by Maria Jose she organized students in pairs and gave word search puzzle in order to find words (bake, boil, fry, grill, melt, microwave, roast and steam,) which were at the right side of the page these words were based on previous vocabulary.

Next Xiomara made two groups she had some vocabulary in pieces of paper, all the team members had one phrase, they had to identify if these phrases were related with giving or accepting recommendation and putting belong the right side on the board Xiomara already divided the columns.  For example,

Giving: Why do not you?
             My recommendation would be…
             If i were you

             Sound good to me!

             Thank is good idea!

Paolo gave students pieces of paper where students had to fill up the blank space base on record students heard by CD player after students listened twice, in pair the answers was compared to finish the activity one of the students read the sentence aloud. In the production stage Adriana gave task with a breath explanation about situation in order to students created a conversation using the recommendation phrases and showed to the entire classmate in pairs using. Finally, Maria Jose passed one ball to all students and when she said stop student who had the ball had to answer a question about the lesson.  

August 16th

Teachers name:           

           Yansy Hernandez
           Nelson Sarvia
           Cristian Aleman
           Andrea Leiva

Skill: Grammar

Topic: Present passive

Firstly, grammar class was started by Yansi with an activity based on vocabulary, she wrote the same word in the both side of the board right and left in order that two team created by students may remember vocabulary related with education. The word had to start with one letter of the word that Yansi had already written in the board, the team who completed to write the words first winning one point, students made the same with three different words.

Christian explained the topic present passive he was using the board and some sentences to present the topic then he made some students participate, student had to translate sentences in present passive to finish he asked if someone had question.  After that, Nelson gave us pieces of paper which Maria Jose read aloud the papers had a paragraph where we had to write the correct form of the verb in preset passive. Finally, Andrea made pair she provide with card which had images about objects, students had made sentences in presser passive depending in which card students choose. At the end a bold was passing for all students while Andrea said stop the students who had it they had choose one card and made a sentences using present passive.


August 11th

Teacher: Giovanni art teacher. 

This workshop included several activities that my classmate and I had to developing in two sessions; this is the first session, teacher of art Giovanni was the guide for it. He was explaining us all the activities we did it, during the process he was telling us the purposes of them, in addition, he gave us feedback at the end of the activities and how we might improve our performance. In my opinion the main purposes of the workshop it was making us feel conformable in from of public, and let us know our strengths and weaknesses.
For example, we made an activity where we have to answer four questions: 
1. what is the animal or thing do you feel identified?  
2. Why do you feel identified with that animal or thing?  
3. What do you expect for the workshop? 
4. What can affect your goals of this workshop? 
We shared with everyone our answers at the end of the presentation. Mr. Giovanny gave us feedback about what we did really well, and what it showed our nervous; about the correct tone voices we have to project and how we can improve our weaknesses in from of the public, because these little thing may affect us and students when we teach. This in just one example of one of the activities we made to encourage us to be better as future teacher I am really excited with this first part and I can not wait for the second part. 

August 9th

Teachers name:
                            Gabriela Callejas                           

                           Gabriela Rodriguez                         

                           Guillermo Guerra                           

                           Carlos Jovel

Skill: Vocabulary

Topic: Street Food

On agoust 9 the  vocabulary team had his first experience teaching in the classroom they was explaining street food vocabulary to us. In the following two weeks we will be practicing in this way in order to know what we have to change before delivering a class to childrem.

The class was started by Gabriela Callejas. First, she made a dynamic  as wram up she requested to pass the markers around of a circle created by the students and asking what we did in the last vacation. Then, she encountered the topic asking everyone how typical food is prepared.  Second, Carlos explained the meaning of the vocabularies using mimics. Subsequently Guillermo played a game with us called hot seat, the game consisted to divided the class in two groups, one of the member had to guess words by mimics made it by the other members of the team, the words were the vocabulary that Carlos explained to us. Finally, Gabriela encouraged us to create a conversation, working in group we had to describe how typical food was made using the vocabulary they already taught.

martes, 9 de agosto de 2016

My name is Roxana Diaz I am 24 years old, I am student of English Teacher in Don Bosco University, El Salvador. This is my fourth year studding teaching I am really glad to know I will have my first experience teaching English to children. I was teaching for four years in the church with Christian purposes that beautiful experience made me realized I wanted to be teacher, for the reason that I notice how children life might change if they receive good education. I already know this is totally different however, I have been learning the techniques as PDP or PDP which will be my tools in order to provide a good performance to my future kids students. And, also I have the best guide Orlando Gomez who will be giving me feedback in every single class, in order to make me better teacher in the future.

This blog has been created to share the experience in the classroom, you will find outstanding information about every class and how my classmate and I will be improving in during this subject teaching practicum 1