domingo, 21 de agosto de 2016

August 16th

Teachers name:           

           Yansy Hernandez
           Nelson Sarvia
           Cristian Aleman
           Andrea Leiva

Skill: Grammar

Topic: Present passive

Firstly, grammar class was started by Yansi with an activity based on vocabulary, she wrote the same word in the both side of the board right and left in order that two team created by students may remember vocabulary related with education. The word had to start with one letter of the word that Yansi had already written in the board, the team who completed to write the words first winning one point, students made the same with three different words.

Christian explained the topic present passive he was using the board and some sentences to present the topic then he made some students participate, student had to translate sentences in present passive to finish he asked if someone had question.  After that, Nelson gave us pieces of paper which Maria Jose read aloud the papers had a paragraph where we had to write the correct form of the verb in preset passive. Finally, Andrea made pair she provide with card which had images about objects, students had made sentences in presser passive depending in which card students choose. At the end a bold was passing for all students while Andrea said stop the students who had it they had choose one card and made a sentences using present passive.

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