domingo, 28 de agosto de 2016

August 25th

Teachers name:                           

                   Yansi Hernandez                            

                   Cristian Aleman                            

                  Andrea Leiva                            

                  Nelson Saravia                                                                    

Skill: Reading

Topic: Welcome to Bermudas

Reading class was opened by Cristian, he divided students in two groups and gave instruction about how played “broken phone”, we have to pass messages one by one in the team and the last person had to write down on the board as well, if the messages was correct team got a point he made this activity to break the ice the instruction was clearly that made the dynamic worked. Nelson gave students pieces with a word we had to match the word with the picture in the board then, he explained the vocabulary using definition and some example. 

To continue the class Andrea gave a page with a reading task we had to read the faster we can to answer questions making by Andrea she also correct mistakes and explain a little more about the reading. Next activity was performance by Yancy, she made couples and gave us the instruction to make a role place this activity could be more specific in the instruction objective. Finally, Christian gave pieces of paper which had a vocabulary for the class people who had it they most explain the meaning of the words Christian was checking and cleared mistakes.

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