domingo, 28 de agosto de 2016

August 23th

Teachers name:                           

                            Juan Jose menjivar

                            Mariana Faguaga                            

                            Nicoles Hernandez                           

                            Roxana Diaz                                                                   

Skill: Reading

Topic: Direct Speech

Class was started by dynamic, students was divide in two groups, Marian was writing word on the board in order that one member had guessed the word base on mimic his/her team was making, when team guessed one got a point until team guessed all the words we knew which team was the winner. 

To present the topic Nicole used pictures and gave students examples using those images to give ideas to use it in real life. I made pair and gave a them a pieces of papers students had to ask his/her partner what is his/her favorite hobbies, and what they would like to do in the future in order that they could write 6 sentences using the direct speech after they finish they shared with their classmate their sentences and one partner shared with all students. Juan Jose gave students a paper with example using the direct speech in order they had the opportunity to make a conversation base on their information at the end of the activity students presented their conversation with the classmates. Finally, Mariana played the hot potato, when she said stop students who has the ball had to take a pices of paper from a box and transformed the sentences using the direct speech.

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