jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

October 20th , 2016 

Teachers Name:
                   Gabriela Callejas
                   Paolo Mazariego
                   Juan José Menjivar
                  Andrea Leiva
Unit 4

Skill: Reading

Topic: Professions

The class was started with amazing game with Juan, he explanied to students the game, they were divided in two teams to play a game on the board. it was a circle with points from 10 to 200, students were hitting the circle with ball to get points. The teams who got more points was the winner I might see how students enjoying the game. 

Then, Andrea explained the new vocabulary using flashcards, when she finished Paolo gave them a paper for the reading part, at the beginning students were confusing but at the end they got it.Then Gabriela provided another paper to complete exercises, she verified aloud but students did not complete the exercises, so she were doing together. Finally, students made an exam for the last unit.

October 17th , 2016

 Teachers Name: 

                   Adriana Turcios                  

                  Xiomara González


                   Gabriela Rodríguez
Paolo Mazariego                  

                   Roxana Marina Diaz

Unit 4

Skill: Listening

Topic: Professions

Listening class starting by me, I asked the students to stand up in order that they might sit down on the floor, I made two teams and explained the board game, one by one they threw a die to get point in order to move from the start to finish, at the beginning they did not understand but after I showed them they enjoyed the game.

Xiomara was engaged to introduce the question “Where does he/ she works” using the new vocabulary hospital, school, airport and restaurant. For the listening part Adriana provided a workshop to complete with the audio, also she gave some instruction for the exercises, students listened twice, at the beginning was difficult for them but they could complete the exercises. 

Then, students were matching the flashcards with the name on the board.At the end, teacher Gabriela made two teams, students were passing a chocolate ball using spoon from one side of the classroom to the other side, students understood faster     

October 17th , 2016 

Teachers Name:
                   Mariana Fagoaga
                   María José Aguirre
                   Carlos Jovel
Unit 4

Skill: Grammar

Topic: Professions

The class was started by Guillermo, he made two groups in order to play a game with students, the game consisted to throw a ball to get points from 30 to 50 depending in where place students hit a ball, the loser team  was named the flashcards base on profession that Guillermo was showing.

Then, Maria Jose presented the grammar structure “Verb  to be” (she is, I am) using flashcards, also she used Marian and Guillermo to explain better. To practice students receive a workshop for the new topic. After, teacher verified the answers in the board, they were pasted what they considered correct.

Then, Mariana gave them colors sticks, yellow; means I am, red means; She is, green means; he is. Mariana was showing flashcard about the profession in order to students raised the color sticks they considered. then students received a number to know who was their pairs in order that together created a little conversation using I am and He is, at the end Carlos passed two balloons to play hot potato, when he showed a flashcard student named it.

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2016

October 11st, 2016

Teachers Name:  
                   Nelson Saravia
                   Cristian Menjivar

                   Yansi Hernandez
                   Nicole Hernandez
                   Gabriela Callejas

Unit 4

Skill: Vocabulary

Topic: Professions

Students started the class making test about school object, once they finished students make two teams to play “reach the moon” with die students were getting the number to jump in the game, students understood they game until they practiced the did it excellent.

Nelson and Christian explained the new vocabulary using flashcard related to the professions, students were participated pronounce the words. To practice students made two different activities. First, they
received a page where they had to match the object related to the professions second; students were playing a memory game when they choose one student had to say “I wanted to be a doctor”.

Finally, students made two lines, face to face, students had to make and answers question, one ask what do you want to be? I want to be a doctor had to answer the other students.

October 6th, 2016

Teachers Name:    

Yansi Hernandez                                

Nicole Hernandez

Unit: 3

Skill: Reading- Bart goes to school

Topic: School objects

Reading class started with entertainment activity, students made two teams they tried to make a basket when they did it; teams were getting point, students loved this new activity. Then teacher Yansi presented new vocabulary using flashcards and example to explained, some words were difficult for them to understand. For instance: fun and pack, it could work better presented an image more specific for them.

For reading, Nicole gave them a cartoon, it included a story using the new vocabulary and school objects however students did not receive an explanation for how read it. So, at the beginning was difficult for them, after they read it, teacher wrote three question about the text, student were answers together aloud.

Once they finished teacher Yansi requested students to stand up to play memory game on the board student had different flashcards with number on the board, they had to look for pairs in order to get points, it was difficult for them to understand but they can do it excellent. Finally students played “hot potato” when they got it teacher Yansi asked what was they proper name vocabulary.

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016

October 4th , 2016

Teachers Name: 

Gabriela Stephanie Rodriguez                                                      Roxana Marina Diaz Ramirez

Unit 3

Skill: Listening

Topic: School objects

Tuesday class Gabriela and I were teaching listening for children, at the beginning we might notice that students were more hyperactive than usual; nevertheless we had to deliver a new class. To star we gave some instruction to the students, they made two lines in order that in pairs they can hit the correct flashcard with a fly swatter that I was saying, all students might identify the vocabulary and performance the activity correctly.Gabriela asked students to pick off the school object they had on the back pack, Gabriela was asking do you have eraser? Students was answering Yes, I do/No I don’t at the beginning student did not understand because they were not paying attention however Gabriela gave them many explanation until they might produce the question and the answer.

The listening part Gabriela recorded an audio, we had some issue with the quality of the audio besides, students understood and complete the worksheet, and they pasted the vocabulary they heard on the side of yes and the other one in the opposite side. To practice students were playing hot potato, they had two different balls, one for question and the other one for answer. But because of the time we moved faster to the last activity. Finally the last activity called “Simon says” teacher Gabriela said “Simon says to bring an eraser” students had to look for the object and showed to the teacher.

martes, 4 de octubre de 2016

September 29 th, 2016

Teachers Name:     Francisco Jovel Urquilla
                                Guillermo David Guerra Sevillano 

Unit 3

Skill: Grammar- “Possessive nouns”

Topic: School objects

Students started the class making two lines, teacher Carlos was showing a picture if students knew what it was students hit a bell and answered, I might see students performed the activity correctly, also everyone wanted to participate even if sometimes students were hesitate I will do it definitely to review previous vocabulary. 

Teacher Carlos presented the new structure “Possessive nouns” using flashcards, Carlos was using students and teacher to make example in order that students can understand the new topic for example: Carlos’s eraser. Students were such motivate that they used their own object school to participate. Once they finished student received a worksheet to complete at it. At the end, teacher Carlos asked some students to pass in front and complete the sentences by themselves. Then student’s received another worksheet to draw a teacher and pasted on the board but because of the time teachers could no complete the activity.

September 27th, 2016

Teachers Name:     Gabriela Stephanie Rodriguez L.                                                  Roxana Marina Diaz Ramirez

Unit 3

Skill: Reading

Topic: School objects

 This day was different because Gabriela and I had the first opportunity to teach children. In addition, we had the responsibility to evaluate the unit 2. So, that means students were sitting in a line at the beginning of the class to be evaluated. Teacher Gabriela gave the instructions to perform the evaluation, students understood the first part easily however the second part was more challenge for them nevertheless they could do it the entire exam.  

Once they finished Gabriela started with the first activity, in this one student had to listens carefully the animals vocabulary Gabriela was saying in order that students might complete a bingo. The activity worked perfectly, students understood how it worked to get theirs bingo, also because they reviewed previous vocabulary.

For the new unit, the vocabulary was presented using flashcards I explained to them 8 different one they were repeating many times to practice the pronunciation and memorized the new words, after that students were picked up a mini flashcard one by one from a box, students had to say the name of the vocabulary they took it, at the beginning they were afraid nevertheless they might identify the new words. Then, teacher Gabriela gave them a worksheet where students circled the object they used it at school, and the second part students had to write the sentence I used ______ and added some vocabulary  they already know. Students were excited to do the exercises they did it the faster they can.

 At the end of the class students played hot potato, when student took the ball they passed in front and paste the correct name of the object. This activity was enjoying for students because everyone wanted to participated for the reason that they learned the new words.