martes, 4 de octubre de 2016

September 27th, 2016

Teachers Name:     Gabriela Stephanie Rodriguez L.                                                  Roxana Marina Diaz Ramirez

Unit 3

Skill: Reading

Topic: School objects

 This day was different because Gabriela and I had the first opportunity to teach children. In addition, we had the responsibility to evaluate the unit 2. So, that means students were sitting in a line at the beginning of the class to be evaluated. Teacher Gabriela gave the instructions to perform the evaluation, students understood the first part easily however the second part was more challenge for them nevertheless they could do it the entire exam.  

Once they finished Gabriela started with the first activity, in this one student had to listens carefully the animals vocabulary Gabriela was saying in order that students might complete a bingo. The activity worked perfectly, students understood how it worked to get theirs bingo, also because they reviewed previous vocabulary.

For the new unit, the vocabulary was presented using flashcards I explained to them 8 different one they were repeating many times to practice the pronunciation and memorized the new words, after that students were picked up a mini flashcard one by one from a box, students had to say the name of the vocabulary they took it, at the beginning they were afraid nevertheless they might identify the new words. Then, teacher Gabriela gave them a worksheet where students circled the object they used it at school, and the second part students had to write the sentence I used ______ and added some vocabulary  they already know. Students were excited to do the exercises they did it the faster they can.

 At the end of the class students played hot potato, when student took the ball they passed in front and paste the correct name of the object. This activity was enjoying for students because everyone wanted to participated for the reason that they learned the new words.

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